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How did the monthly output value of electric heating tubes reach 9 million?


As a heating pipe factory that has been in business for more than ten years, we have gone through countless ups and downs, and the number of employees has increased from dozens to 200 now.
Meikemei was originally a small heating pipe factory with no funds, no high-end equipment, and no talents. At the beginning, there was only a little technology for making heating pipes, and more than a dozen employees trusted each other. But it is precisely with the hard work and concerted efforts of all employees that we have achieved today's results. From a single variety at the beginning to the smallest diameter of 38 mm now, we can also design side heating pipes to help customers solve heating problems. Our progress is inseparable from the support of our partners. Although it is often said that people's hearts are fickle, there is nothing more reliable than heart-to-heart communication, which has led to the development of Meikemei today.